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IoT Simulator 2.0 Release

by Ponlakshmi

simulator 2.0

Security is one of the major concerns of the IoT Manager applications. Keeping this in mind, we built the manager applications with different level of security. IoT Network Simulator is enhanced to support all manager applications based on their security practices. Similar to the previous version, the simulator supports all its options from the user interface itself.

IoT Network simulator for AWS IoT core / Azure IoT hub

The User interface will provide options based on the IoT applications. For example Azure IoT hub supports SAS Token and Certificate based authentication. Users will be able to create a specific network for the Azure IoT core and able to create devices that handshakes with the IoT hub based on the details specified when configuring the device. Similarly, this is possible for the AWS IOT as well.

Simulating IoT Network for Other Manager applications

For all other manager applications like Bevywise IoT Platform, Losant , and others, you will be able to specify a single certificate at the common settings page and get your devices connected to the manager application.

Device-level SSL Security

Azure IoT / AWS IoT manages every device to have a unique certificate. In addition, the IoT Network simulator supports the configuration of the root Certificate in the settings window and ensures that you specify each and every client certificate in the device configuration screen. The WILL, QoS, retain event messages and command messages configuration is the same as before.

Individual Device IP Address

The simulator runs on a single machine and simulates all its devices. But, the manager will be seeing all the devices from one Host (IP Address). This contradicts the real-time Simulation. In order to overcome this, the 2.0 version has added support for using Virtual IP Addresses. By this functionality, each simulated device will connect to the manager application from a different host Address.

Try the new IoT Simulator 2.0 now.